Tag: Animals
AotM #14: King Tut Day
Happy Tutankhamen Day! Go to a museum! But before some serious stuff, let’s start it off with BEARS!!! Despite what Stephen Colbert may say, Bears are OK in my book—after all, they’re part of the international coalition fighting the war on terror! But that’s not too surprising, since bears have been fighting for us since…
AotM #7
As dogs have known for millennia, people’s natural body odors are as unique as a fingerprint. It’s nice to know that science eventually catches up with obviousness. Women are more likely to experience sexual harassment in gender-balanced groups than as the lone woman in a group of men, contrary to “common sense.” Another reason why…
AotM #3
Enjoy these breathtaking photos of our sun. They may serve to remind you of just how awe-some and beautiful that gigantic ball of life-giving, furiously boiling nuclear plasma in the sky is. Who’d a thunk it?? A walk through a quiet park is better than meds at increasing concentration for kids with ADHD. ADHD is…