Tag: Astronomy
AotM #6
Idealistic female sexual & physical representations are unhealthy for both women AND men. Enjoy being You, right here right now, and don’t try to be anyone else! There is but one correct way to hang a roll of toilet paper. End of story. It still boggles my mind that anyone (aside from rambunctious cat owners)…
AotM #4
Simple sugars can activate proteins, not just phosphate compounds. It’s discoveries like this that reveal just how little we still know about the human body, and just how protean our bodies can be. Two studies that reveal just how much influence our subconscious perceptions have—especially with regard to what we conclude based solely on people’s…
AotM #3
Enjoy these breathtaking photos of our sun. They may serve to remind you of just how awe-some and beautiful that gigantic ball of life-giving, furiously boiling nuclear plasma in the sky is. Who’d a thunk it?? A walk through a quiet park is better than meds at increasing concentration for kids with ADHD. ADHD is…
May your soul be at peace among the Stars
I felt the need to make some manner of post as a tribute in memory of Sir Arthur C. Clarke, one of the greatest scientific visionaries (e.g. geosynchronous orbit) and authors (over 100 works) of the 20th Century, given the sad news that he died today. I feel the best way to give such a…