Tag: College
AotM #2
Pectin, found in all fruits and vegetables, can go a long way toward preventing cancer. The “college rankings” in many popular magazines are basically arbitrary, and can change quite drastically depending on which particular factor is most important to you. The “best” schools are only best because people think they’re best. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Our…
A Rainbow Interlude
As I was biking down South Street Bridge, I happened to witness a little slice of perfection, being in just the right place at just the right time. South Street Bridge is known as one of the best places to view the Philly Skyline, so I stopped to capture some fantastic evening sunlight highlighting the…
Learning the Wallflip
This past year I’ve been hanging out with the Penn Gymnastics Club, which is open to anyone with a PennCard. I decided to join since I realized that practicing basic parkour moves and elementary acrobatics in a safe environment full of experienced people and soft mats was probably a better idea than jumping around on…
China’s Influence in Africa
I took advantage of a fascinating talk today by a visiting scholar, Dr. David Shinn, who was formerly our Ambassador to Ethiopia (among other positions), and who is now a professor at GWU. I went at the last minute based on an email from my Japanese History professor, and I’m quite glad I did. Thanks…
The Collarbone Incident
Everything happens for a reason. Life goes on. We call our experiences to us. Life has ups and downs; yin & yang: so go with the flow… These and sundry other such platitudes kept me all warm and cuddly with positivity over the past week, since I seemed to have gone an’ done broke my…
Music & Noise & Thought
Always so much to say and so little time to say it, or vice versa. Currently, it’s the former, so I find myself archiving topics and notes and experiences to write about later. Anyway, for now…. I have some spectacularly, even breathtakingly awesome classes this semester. One of them is a writing class, actually, about…