Tag: Learning is fun

  • A Social Media Cheat Sheet

    A Social Media Cheat Sheet

    I was recently commissioned to produce an informal cheat sheet about social media and social networking. The aim of the project is to help Baby Boomers better understand their children and grandchildren, and to better navigate the ever-shifting currents of the intertubes, possibly to wade into the waters themselves. At first I figured there must…

  • Learning the Wallflip

    This past year I’ve been hanging out with the Penn Gymnastics Club, which is open to anyone with a PennCard. I decided to join since I realized that practicing basic parkour moves and elementary acrobatics in a safe environment full of experienced people and soft mats was probably a better idea than jumping around on…

  • The Collarbone Incident

    Everything happens for a reason. Life goes on. We call our experiences to us. Life has ups and downs; yin & yang: so go with the flow… These and sundry other such platitudes kept me all warm and cuddly with positivity over the past week, since I seemed to have gone an’ done broke my…