Tag: Technology

  • AotM #15: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

    Yes, everyone, that’s right, Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day is a thing. Enjoy some chocolate and almonds for breakfast, lunch, & dinner today, since they are an incredibly healthy and delicious snack. ‘O’ [Yawn!] …Did that work? Did you yawn through sheer peer pressure? Well hopefully so, since yawning is AWESOME! It oxygenates the brain,…

  • AotM #10: National Dessert Day

    I’ve decided that from now on I’m going to dedicate each Articles of the Moment post to whatever random and strange holiday happens to fall on that day. Because why not? So…Today happens to be National Dessert Day. Treat yourself to some delicious pastries. There’s a lot of fearmongering going on lately about all the…